Tennis for young champions. Elina Svitolina Foundation implements programs for gifted children

World tennis star Elina Svitolina continues to help young athletes.

A training camp for gifted children was held from September 11-17, 2020, as part of the Foundation’s activities in Ukraine. The second season of the tennis camp was based at the “Lawn Tennis Club” in Odesa.

10 boys and 10 girls U12 ranked by the Tennis Federation of Ukraine were invited to participate in the tennis camp of Elina Svitolina. Experts working with national teams organised intensive training and other activities for young athletes. Participation in the camp (exercise, food, and accommodation) was free for the talented children.

“Working with kids, I always ensure we have talented athletes. They need our support, help, and advice from experienced professionals. These players will defend our honour at international sports competitions and the most prestigious tennis tournaments. I am thrilled to help children with my experience and contribute to their development with the help of my foundation’s projects,” said Elina Svitolina.

“The activity of charitable organisations allows solving important problems for the society. One of such problems is the financing of children’s and youth sports. We are grateful to our partners and sponsors who realise the importance of tennis development in Ukraine and support our foundation,” said Anna Popovchenko, the Elina Svitolina Foundation director.

The first camp with the support of Elina Svitolina took place last year on the courts of the Ukrainian tennis centre “Viccort”. 20 children took part in the training camp.

The partners of the second season of Elina Svitolina Foundation are Top Five Management, Nike, Wilson, Morshynska, Lawn Tennis Club, Park Residence, and Premier Hotel Odesa.

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